ExtraView's various functional screens include a number of instances of field-types that may be somewhat unfamiliar to first-time users. Distinctive ExtraView field-types include: Linked Fields, Calendar Fields, Multi-Value Field Lists, and Popup User Lists.

Linked Fields

Some ExtraView screens may contain some number of linked fields, which allow the user to link to a URL for referencing or cutting and pasting information of importance for the particular field. For example, if "Summit Consulting" was a customer, and the URL link navigated to the Summit Web site, the user could visit the site to grab information needed to complete the issue record.

To Use Linked Fields

  • Click the link icon to navigate to the URL link specified when the button was created by your administrator
  • Navigate the target site as needed; this may be another ExtraView screen or a completely different application
  • Return to the ExtraView screen whenever you require, the window will have remained open.

Calendar Fields

For fields involving a date/time, ExtraView has a calendar feature for simplifying date/time selection and entry.

To Use Calendar Fields

  • Click the calendar icon
  • The Calendar popup window appears

  • Click the double left carat to change calendar year backward, and the double right carat to change calendar year forward
  • Click the single left carat to change the calendar month backward, and the single right carat to change calendar month forward
  • Click the desired date of the month, and selected year/month/date will appear in the date field on the main form
  • If the field accepts time as well as the date, the calendar will display options that allow you to choose the time as well as the date

Multi-Value Lists

When your administrator has enabled this feature in your layouts, multi-value lists allow multiple value selection as a way to select several values from a single list.

To Use Multi-Value Lists

  • Click on the dropdown menu item to select the item you want to add
  • An indicator sign appears beside the selected item
  • Click additional list items as needed
  • To deselect a list item, click on selection and the indicator sign disappears

Pop-up User Lists

For fields which are typically allowing you to select one from a long list of potential values, ExtraView provides a pop-up list.

To Use Popup User Lists

  • Type in the contents of the field directly. If the administrator has configured a type-ahead or auto-complete capability for the field, then you may see a range of choices for the field, each of these being selectable at any time.
  • Or, click the icon to the right of the field

  • The name selection menu appears
  • Use the fields provided to search for the user whose name you want to find. Notice that you can use '*' as a wildcard entry to search through many names at one time
  • Click on the desired user name, and it will appear in the appropriate field


Additional information: http://docs.extraview.com/extraview-23/end-user-guide/managing-issues/field-types


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